8 Unique Products That Could Be Made From Hemp

Apart from what CBD manufacturers like us who give you the important derivative of hemp, there are many other things that hemp can give us. Let’s not forget that the hemp records of its usage can be dated back to the B.C times. So, what else could be made from hemp apart from CBD oils and clothes, let’s check such 8 things!

1. Ink

This was truly an inspiration. Hemp oil can be used as a base in the formulation of non-toxic inks which require minimal processing and has a benefit of drying faster.

2. Batteries

Yes, batteries! With production cost as low as 1/1000 of that of the normal batteries, hemp-made batteries is an excellent replacement for the existing non-environmental batteries.

3. Makeup

Hemp is rich in various minerals, vitamins, and most importantly it has a perfect ratio of omega fatty acids. Because hemp-based oils have shown its positive effects in reducing acne and aging, it is a powerful source of making organic make-up.

4. Butter

This is probably the most common hemp-based food people opt to eat. However, if you planning on including CBD oil in your daily food routine, make sure to pick the best CBD brand and add 15 ml CBD oil in 500 gm of butter.

5. Milk

Did you know that hemp seeds are capable of making its own milk? When soaked and ground in water, hemp seeds produce a creamy-textured milk which is the best alternative for vegans and lactose intolerant people.

6. Diapers

Diapers are a sure shot waste of its main ingredients, cotton, and paper as we dispose off almost 18 billion diapers a year. Using the reusable, breathable, and the environment-friendly hemp fibers to make diapers can be a much better choice.

7. Canvas

Rembrandt and Van Gogh painted on hemp canvases. So hemp-based canvases may sound unique today but they have been used by some of the most significant painters.

8. Hemp Tofu

Have turned vegan but can’t tolerate soy? Hemp tofu is your answer. Made using the same technique as we use in making the regular tofu, hemp-based tofu has an exceptional nutrition value. In case you want to add your CBD daily dosage in the making, you can buy CBD terps available for wholesaler and use it in making tofu.

These were some unique hemp-based products that could be made apart from the usual options such as food, clothes, fuel, etc. To make this a continuous thing, contact a dependable CBD Oil Distributor and start making hemp food at home.
